Thursday, May 29, 2008


As a teenager, often our views are important to us. What we see and hear is what we believe thus, propaganda indoctrinates our minds into believing what they want us to believe proving that we, teenagers, are manipulated. Propaganda affects the world as it leads to a subjective view. Propaganda is a method in which people distort the truth and it is a lethal weapon to twist the truth so much so that fear in propaganda works as a phobia. Ideological persuasion is the strongest selling tools of propaganda and propaganda is made to sway people into believing them and thus people’s perceptions and approach are changed thus it leads to them being brainwashed. There are many tools of propaganda and here are various examples; advertising, television, radio, print media, newspapers which are all means of communication. Propaganda is enforced into our daily lives without us beings aware of it and that leads to a big dilemma.

Words: 157

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